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Old 03-04-04, 10:32 AM   #138
World War
New to RV
Posts: 58

Off the hizzy for shizzy, KDogs rhymes are shitty
They might of been good back in the 80s with Eazy
Always hollerin' "I'm black, I must be better than you"
Well guess what, I'm a whiteboy runnin' you through
For some reason I picked you as my target to punish
I think it was your lyrics, you know you ain't bustin'
Sittin' at home, claimin' you hard where you from
"I'm a G'd out thug, always packin' the chrome"
Sounds like something your silly ass would say
Punch lines like "Whiteboy"...'oooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyy'
You need to think of something better to go on than the color of the skin
Cause this 'whiteboy' is back and murdered you again