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Old 03-10-04, 08:43 PM   #3
Posts: 112


aight...........check it

i dont need-gatz,belive my text will simply leave you with your knees-capped/
i kno your "asian", so you mean it litteral when you say you "eat-cats"/<~~~~haha
when im ragin ill flip, if you cash all the chin-checks im givin you, id be making you rich/
plus i'm a child molestor in battles . . . just look at how I'm raping this kid/
bitches these days, so mcCRACKEN hold heat? dawg ill leave you and your crew frozen/
spittin like you think you a “gift”, fuck it bitch ill “rip you open”/
ill give you a sneak-view, blast through like your fake ass is see-thru/
like battling the "invisible" man, when it comes to skills, “i don't see you”/
i break spines, he wouldnt match rymes with me if he made mines/
cause mcCRACKEN’s like a game of "four square" with all those played lines/
he wont do "big things" if he had a "dick pump", confessing-his-mind-state/
the time awaits, mcCRACKEN never seen who he's messing with, like a contestant-on-blind-date/
your super soaker making-me-wet, doesent mean that you can "spray-with-the-best"/
you'll pay-for-your-threats, like "dolphins", I got you "running-away-from-the-nets"/-(hope you get it)