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Old 03-11-04, 06:32 PM   #35
Suspended: Biting
$$UPREME's Avatar
Posts: 823

was aight but the person i thought had better lines was..........................VoTe= butcha better vocab guyver needs to get his vocab up but ya shit was aighttt but winer=butcha
was aight but the person i thought had better lines was..........................VoTe= butcha better vocab guyver needs to get his vocab up but ya shit was aighttt but winer=butcha
was aight but the person i thought had better lines was..........................VoTe= butcha better vocab guyver needs to get his vocab up but ya shit was aighttt but winer=butcha
was aight but the person i thought had better lines was..........................VoTe= butcha better vocab guyver needs to get his vocab up but ya shit was aighttt but winer=butcha
guyver4mk OVER BUTCHA