Thread: halo-b vs ik63
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Old 03-16-04, 09:14 PM   #3
halob's Avatar
Posts: 131
From: some were

i am about to divid this bitch into departmentalize/
his flows is like a penis that hasn't been circumise/
i am like a volcano that exploded a pyriclastic flow with the hot ash/
my flows will spread like posien ive like a big iching rash/
my lines will kill u like a diease cryptogenic/
u talkin about murkin me,how can u do it if your in the clinic/{going to pull the plug}
damn kid how did u even sign up/
i guess somebody was taking over your mind,they already done crup/
see u don't know i am here to repersent TREY-SIX/
i will give u your own nails and hammer and let you comit cruseafix
see i hit this guy in the head it put him in to total shock/
see i am going aginst a white boy that lives in africa in the boondock/

i just mit murk u next