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Old 03-21-04, 02:25 PM   #24
New to RB
Posts: 94
From: Bay Area, California

Regualtor called out for a battle in bitch slapped and left the rules up to the challenger. I replied with my rules. I never saw a response until i logged in today and he already had a battle opened for us. BUT HE DIDN'T FOLLOW MY RULES. I told him he had to spit first..he had 10 min to spit after he opened the battle and checked in...and he still hasn't spit, and even if he eventually does, i may not be signed i'm gonna break my own 10 in rule. Please close this battle for me, or gimme the win for Regulator lack of respect for the rules. I wil give him a battle if he wants it, but under agreed conditionsl. Below are the links to the bitch slapped post and the actual battle, or lack there of. Thanks again!!!!


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