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Old 03-27-04, 10:36 AM   #73
S-killz's Avatar
Posts: 177

"omfg, u r a retart, that entire sentence rhymes, ahaha"
lol cant even spell,,,,,,,,,,its R-E-T-A-R-D see you are a dumb ass'

and GOD DAM you're stupid how can one sentence rhyme!!!!!!

you are incredibly astupid

and what was the purpose of posting up those lyrics?????????
and when did ever say em sucks???????????????????
im serious im defending my opinion very strongly and intelligently while you are posting up stupid comments,,,,,,,,,,
turn off your tv and read bitch!

dont even respond to me i dont try to communicate with simple dumb life-forms like your ass

im being so sincere about this i dont try to be a jack ass but you really are making yourself look stupid........
stay true, cuzez
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