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Old 03-27-04, 10:42 AM   #74
Middle Weight
Posts: 426
From: Denver

truthfully, you havent defended your postition once, and no one agrees with your reasons.

"well, if he had a good producer, he'd be great"

just shut the fuck up, eminem's lyrics are far to complicated for canibus to respond, and eminem could beat him in a freestyle, why do you think canibus doesnt respond to the many disses eminem gave him. Maybe you cant read the rhymes, let me help you out.

well then what the fuck'd you stop for dummy if you slew some crack
you'd make alot more monay then you do from rap

stop for dummy and alot more money rhyme, ok? can we agree? slew some crack and do from rap also rhyme, correct? their, now you know
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