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Old 03-31-04, 05:57 AM   #143
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people corrupted just coz they uppin,
all this false bum chummin doin my nut in,
let me just cut in and shut this butt kisser up,
he spittin more shit when he speak
then my ass does all week,
hes weak and feeble cereberal problem,
leave him forgotten corrupted n rotten,
else i get shottin hot rock shock jocks n,
ladies loose fellas to my berrelium,
equations like maths i savour the source,
everythin started and endin its my course,
polotical hypocrytics led by fools n critics
the sicness infected money fed they weakness,
the fools all they seek is money to be cheiftans,
well we r the leaders the people we lead,
indeed they the seed that u starvin i feed,
pleased how they be when i walk on the street,
somethin without greed to these is unique.
Listen while my lyrics just speak.....

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- Flamin strap on dildos used by lesbian granny midgets
.................King Join tha T......................
"through the hourglass i think im goin alice,
the acidic thoughts at the queen o hearts palace,
under the mallet u suffer my judgement,
a decison wont budge eliminate is a must"