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Old 03-31-04, 09:05 AM   #13
Light Weight
JiXi's Avatar
Posts: 227
From: Bahamas

Originally Posted by KKbug
[QUOTE=JiXi][]My first actual written that i could temp at recording as a song. Its not perfect because i wanted to finish it in one night. What do you think? Specificaly what will and wont work in an audio....Thanx....

Tempers flared, till the fire burned out

okay this is how i see it jixi, it's all good except for this line,because it'z so eminem that it waz pick right out his a**.this'z in his songs like a thousand times.don't get me wronge i love em, jus' you using his lines that'z botherin plz stop it'z not right to use another mc's lines or come up wit your own.if yoy can't then get off the website it is called

Im sorry...But i dont even LISTEN to eminem...You call yourself a rapper and you still DO? Sorry but Eminem lacks all multis, structure and vocab.. I wouldnt waste my time biting from him...If i ever INTENDED to bite i would bite something like Akrobatik, Atmosphere, or Canibis...So dont blow shit out of your ass you know nothing about.

the phrase "Tempers Flare" is a popular phrase! Not like i ripped a metaphor like "I make Headlines like a Corderoy pillow"...Probly something that marshal could never think up anyways.
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