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Old 03-31-04, 07:53 PM   #5
darshmatix's Avatar
Posts: 126
From: Greenwich, CT

check it out skillz, listen to Infinite (the song not the whole album) and tell me what you think. If eminem wanted to pull dictionary words out of his ass like canibus does, he can...he just doesn't need to do it anymore cuz he is much better now...he uses word play and can get his message out much better...also, when ur the heavyweight in mainstream hip hop, of course u need a couple of songs like without me or the real the real slim shady to keep the money comin in and keep mainstream listeners attentive. If he wanted, he could easily switch it back to the "infinite" days, but he doesn't need to...he's already the best without having to do all that extra crap by just going on his own merit...also, most people talk too much shit that they can't back up...look at anyone...just cuz they been shot or stabbed, doesn't mean that they can fuck anyone up...however, most people use those things in disses for word play and rhymes...even canibus with his "12 guage at short range" theory. even u said that it's clever word play with vocab...that doesn't mean he's gonna go out and shoot someone.....yea canibus is good but honest to god...he's not even on the same level as eminem
mainstream is tight
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