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Old 04-02-04, 07:49 PM   #3
New to RB
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Posts: 60
From: Blackpool

i dont feel there is a od so i say w/e i fink bout the idea!
i aint no god n i neva wanna b but if there was a god he can shove his fuckin lifestyle up his fat arse cuz i dont wanna fuckin no him!

i'd b more than appy to collab wit ya bro jus at da mo im seriously depressed bout this as not an hour ago one of my best mates (a girl got jumped by sdum guy n i werent there to help, n she narrowly escaped!)
My Fiancee has been raped 4 times and i no many other accounts...i'd kill ne fucker i eva found oput raped sum1...even my fuckin family!

Peace...soz 4 goin psycho

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