Thread: MC_DooM vs L.I.
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Old 04-05-04, 05:05 PM   #4
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ChEcK iT

Any shit you try to spit, I can out do it...
Im an over acheiver like a straight A student...
Puttin this "MC" in to a real "Moderate Concussion"...
All his lines played like his verse be a percussion...
No discussin me, no need for fussin see, aint tryin to push ya buttons D(DooM)...
I think yall will agree, im merkin MC to the highest degree for a newbie...
20 posts come on, no room to boast, bout rhymes that u cant even host...
You talk the most, end up burnt like toast, ya spits are softer than pot roast...
Chryme sindicate must accept wack newbie's, you could be merked by a UE groupie...
Finished you off wit just multi's, Loss for you is a guarantee, Beat you easily...
That Old School Mother Fucker
Aint That A Bitch?

Crhyme Sindicate
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