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Old 04-13-04, 04:23 PM   #13
look at this
Posts: 616

kingz got this one cause of hard punchz and sick personalz flowed well and everfuckin thing good battle verse
best linez
Dog that was sick in a 'disease' way….you need an 'elixir'*
They way I am gonna mess you up…they should call me a ‘concrete’ mixer

You step to me in RB…im gonna destroy you leaving no trace
cos you could say that this ‘concrete’…has ‘set’ in the wrong place
(my territory)

in your sig it says ‘what goes around, comes around’…yeh that’s true
but as for wins…it looks like they aint came around to you

concrete u had an ok verse to if u would had folowed up wit that opener u had u woulda done way better but it kinda fell off to me if u woulda used different wordplay woulda been titer
best linez
Kingz should get his fact 'straight', cause he should really be called 'Queenz'/
Don't 'retaliate' or I'll fucking rip off your 'spleen' right off your CPU 'screen'/

no hate

hit this up
ghost vs kgillaz