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Old 04-16-04, 01:57 AM   #3
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From: from da U.K.

ok this bitch dont want none of me u can tell
so i'm gonna lay my shit out now 4 ya

Yo dawg, if u didn’t want to go first then u just had 2 say so//
Instead of runnin away, I thought u were a rapper……not a ho//
His real reason 4 leavin is he’s got no shit 2 borrow//
Plus his mom said she’d rap 4 him, but not till 2morrow//
I see that ure record states that its 8 wins to one//
But the odds of u winnin this battle are zero to none//
Yo I checked this bitches battles, he likes 2 focus on the ass//
He really don’t wanna battle me cuz he’s got a YMCA class//
I’m Daniel-san with my karate kick makin u groggy//
U gonna drop from a karate chop from my dog Mr. Miagi//
Look here homeboy u dealin wiv a five star gangsta//
There’s a song about u by 50 Cent……its called Wanksta//
I’m fresh of tha jet ready 2 rack up K.O’s like I’m rocky//
I dominate this shit like tha red wings dominate hockey//
Mic-wreckers probably gonna put out some kiddy ass spit//
It’ll probably go like this so listen up and check it//
“Fe-fi-fo-fum, I like to jerk off whilst suckin my thumb”//
“I like to give it hard up tha bum”//
“if only my winky cud produce some cum!”//