Thread: Re$tricted
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Old 04-17-04, 04:16 AM   #4
Posts: 299

@ B.A.D. R.A.P. You think I care that he bit off Eminem almost a year ago on the other RB? As long as he doesn't bite here, I don't care... This board was started so that everyone could get a fresh start. Hopefully he has learned that cheating on something as insignificant as an internet text battle is pointless. Even if you have the best battle record on here, people you tell are just going to shrug their shoulders and be like whatever. You want to get noticed, go to an open mic night. Just like you telling people you are a supermod or me an admin of an internet forum... in real life, no one cares! If you just want to get some practice, have some fun, then RB will do.
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