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Old 04-20-04, 12:46 PM   #3
Young Siz
New to RB
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Posts: 42
From: Va

A yo yall some funny ass dudes no one hateign on yall i havent herd anyone one hating on yall(or ever will) so calm da fuck down cuase yall just got started

V-City Bithc

SPifie i see you bitch pussy ass get off the site
V-city for Life

"Fuck You Pay Me"


Siz vs Va 5-0 k.o
Siz Vs Da0-5k.o

imma win till i cant no more


~Lyrical Leaders~

~Lyrical Leaders~

~Head Lyrical Leader - StreetSweepa ~
~2nd Head Lyrical Leader- NoLost4Rhymes ~
~Lyrical Leader - Young Siz ~
~Lyrical Leader - Murderous Mask ~
~Lyrical Leader - M.F.P. ~
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