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Old 04-20-04, 10:46 PM   #11
Shadows edge
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Posts: 1,666
From: Urbana

Originally Posted by Adebisi
The verse I just showed sucked ass....
I've seen purposely wack verses that were better than that mess....

Wow... you have a basic ass flow

xxxxxxx rhyme xxxxxx rhyme
xxxxxxxxxrhyme xxxxxxxxxxxx rhyme

And no sort of wit at all...


Oh totally.. as opposed to this verse by Karl:

Originally Posted by Karl
Think i'm worried? Nah, my hands are calm and steady,
Cause like premature ejaculate - you spit before ready.
Battling me wasn't a small mistake, it was massive,
Furious? Nah, You're barely bordering on passive.
Worship and honour me, as if you practiced Shinto.
Poor work does blow up, but you're no Ford Pinto
Just face it bitch...
You're below wack, desperarely trying to get up.
... but unlike a tomato, you'll never ketchup ...
Your structure, flow, vocab, everything stinks,
Do us all a favour and check into these links.

See the complex rhyme scheme? Can you spot it, because I can't? Honestly, it wasn't a hot bottle, what the fuck you want. That Shinto line was weak as hell, the ketchup line was ok, and the word "stinks" sounds childish to me, but otherwise the close is good. The first two bars were just decent, nothing much happening there. Don't pretend like Karl fucking mercked him and we all just dickrode. I don't know about anyone else, but my votes always have been and always will be honest. Period, end of fucking story.
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