Thread: SPuL v.s Tenken
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Old 04-23-04, 02:21 PM   #2
Banned: Racism
Posts: 94

aight check it...

yo ima "split" ur eyes so you can "four-see" my victory~//
call you "Miss Cleo" coz u "predict" ur own loss, fuck the irony~//

this "nigga" actin like M.jackson, "askin for anyone unda 16"~//
whoops! called u a "nigga" my bad "wigga", sorry bout that "Doug Christie"~//

This kids like a "bean" without the "stalk"~//
ur mom was on my "Jack & Golden eggs" befor you could walk~//

WTF is a SPul anyway, it's not in da Dictionary~//
i got u more "dumbfounded" than the bitch "Drew Carey"~//

speakin of which, ur dictionary is as "thick" as Ally McBeal~//
u got more chance of beating me than "M.J's" "court appeal"~//

Whoa! now that i got this audiences attention~//
i'd like to announce "Miss Cleos" intervention~//

the "excitements" over, its time for the "young Crackafella"~//
to spit lyrics that dont got more "chemistry" than Vinegar and Baking Soda~//