Thread: Best On RB
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Old 04-25-04, 09:31 PM   #1
Posts: 4,917
From: colorado
Best On RB


i see this alot, and no one seems to have an answer, heres what we'll do...
rank your top ten, 1-10, give a reason why if u want, after a few pages of votes arguments and beef, i think we'll pretty much know the top ten.

1. CreaTivite-Re$tricted
2. CarsonJetX2-DaClassic
3. LoT-Enygma
4. Lyrical MC
5. DP420-VanGo
6. Accomp. (5 and 6 really close)
7. Kingz
8.Ill Testament
9. Will a Peer- Guece- $$upreme
10. L.I.-SPuL- E-Looch

not sure who i forgot, prolly someone though
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