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Old 04-26-04, 11:19 PM   #154
New to RB
Posts: 14
From: Crown Heights, Brooklyn

If the sun dont raise 2morrow, fuck it ill raise my glock instead/
it kills faster then skin cancer anyway, and you end up even more red/
2morrow is a future dream, i cant seem to pass it by/
cause death moves faster then the sun does rise, maybe thats why i died/
my eyes are too blinded to take another sun risin, so i guess ill live in darkness/
fuck it, i enjoy the dark better then light, there arent as many people you have to part with/
well scientifically the sun has to rise, cause its to prove my true identity/
thats why when the sun comes out, i duck down, the sun isnt a very good friend to me/
so i wait in my ride for the sun to pass by so that i can find a place to hide/
because if there was darkness throughout the land, nobody would fuckin survive

feedback is a past truth...lets not bump history

-miracle of words-