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Old 04-27-04, 12:39 AM   #6
Light Weight
Afterword's Avatar
Posts: 219
From: LA

yo i really did not see anything really special here
but i know u kant expect every battle to be the best, so ima call it how i c it

elmers glue- this verse was koo it had some aight personals, and descent punchlines, he showed a little creativity in there too which is always good. the structure was kinda basic but this was a short battle so it was sufficient and flowed well enuf.
my favorite line was this one, probley b/c i dont even know steve irwin but it was still a good burn: "I'll go off on you like the Discovery Channel, fuck you up lyrically like some aligator did Steve Iwrin's flannel"

40oz- yo that D12 song 40oz has a dope beat, but neway yur flow was average homie
yur lines were underdeveloped and you fed off his verse which never really gains points with me unless you can flip it. i just really didnt feel yur verse, there was no play on words, multies, or really anything to defeat yur opponent. this was my favorite line(closer), but even it could be better: "I think ya over confident, ya was suppose to spit 5 bars
Now I'ma leave your ass like NASA, that'd be see'n stars"

vote=glue( dont b sniffin that shyt itill phuck up ya flow)
"afterword disperses divert blirts to quench ya thirst"

bomb first( I will BATTLE N E 1)

Help me close these/ and I will help U
an EYE 4 an EYE