Thread: Hybrid Vs Lungs
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Old 04-27-04, 05:31 AM   #10
Light Weight
Afterword's Avatar
Posts: 219
From: LA

yo hybrid got this one, sorry i just call it how i c it
hybrid had some koo punches, although it wasnt his strong point, it got it done
"I've popped his Lungs from his so called location
Just another 2pac dikrider, who's a bald caucasian"
wut i likes was the good use of vocab, creativity, and good burns(personals)
-the downside was the closer, which was a disapointment to the overall flow

lungs: u had some koo shyt, and i was wit u most of the way, with the word play, and the punches
but to me u phucked up with the tom & jerry, and the macho man "slim jim" savage
not enuf detail to lyricism 4 me

vote: hybrid
"afterword disperses divert blirts to quench ya thirst"

bomb first( I will BATTLE N E 1)

Help me close these/ and I will help U
an EYE 4 an EYE