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Old 04-29-04, 03:58 AM   #35
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Afterword: good punches, and personals are good flow was nice too but our structure wasnt as good as poll's but still overall your punches stood out far better plus i liked the canada one with the raptors love that team vince carter rules but anway overall your post excelled far beyond the reach of Jpoll's.keep it up.

JPoll: dude wasnt feeling your punches even i can tell that was half assed and you could of done much better, good concepts but not worded well or hitting hard enough your overall performance was good but it was average not pow! or bam! excuse onemotapeia but you had hardly any good metaphors.but also dunt separate our bars dunt put spaces between 2 lines the only reason you had better structure was cause his was fuked but, keep at it peace.

Flow: afterword
Personals: afterword
Structure: j-poll
Punches: afterword

My Vote: Afterword