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Old 04-29-04, 10:56 AM   #14
Light Weight
Posts: 219
From: Philidelphia Pa

Any mothafucka who claims he/she's racist needs to be fuckin shot in the damn head i'm tired of all tha fuckin (mostly) white people who are fuckin racist. but you know what's fucked up! the damn justice system! If a black person is convicted of killing someone he/she automatically goes to jail! But if a fuckin white dude is Convicted of the same shit, He gets bail they gotta get a "Fair" trial, a defense, fuckin a "good" Lawyer, and all kinds of other bullshit that ain't needed! This world (My bad This Country) Nas said it on his Stillmatic "My country shitted me, She wants to get rid of me.... cuz of things i've seen"
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