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Old 04-29-04, 04:42 PM   #2
New to RB
MCelmersglue's Avatar
Posts: 49
From: Cityscape Malignancy

Alright, I'm going to get educated on you,..

Yo, you think you're marvelous but after this you'll just be jealous.
You may think you're good but I'm fuckin' lyrically ambidextrious.

Your too illiterate for me to be considerate, and too wack for me to hold back.
Your flow makes me irate like a computers slow bitrate, I'll upload a wordplay virus attack because it's efficiency you lack.

Man you think you're hard by your location, when you're from Queens, New York.
You should stick by your occupation, showing your dick to pre-teens, and running from the "pork".

Marvin', throw in your mic, take off the drag make-up and go back to school,
Because you look like a dyke with your meat taped-up and that's just cruel.

For the record you might want a thesaurus to find a word to describe how you're feeling after the battle.
Get a damn phone book, find a doctor, and start the healing after I brand your ass like a cattle.

Speaking of, you're just like a cow metaphorically speaking.
You have bitch tits and the stuff you spit is always reaking. *pinches his nose*

So the next time you're near a farm, why don't you stay there.
The cows can't rhyme to school you and they always play fair.

Besides you could have fun without any interferance from me.
Then the farmer could ask, "You ever seen Deliverance M.V.?"

Now some of you will act like George Bush and always be on the attack, and it's probably just because I'm not black
Which is understandable but it doesn't make my flow any less wack
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