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Old 05-03-04, 10:35 AM   #11
New to RB
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Posts: 29

Freepost? look at you dawg, i'ma 'pick' apart ya diss like a 'nose'/
1. Ya last four lines had no rhymes or flows, THIS IS A RAP FORUM, NOT PROSE!
I dispose ya morose lines, like spotty computer geeks wit cornrows/
Just goes to show, dogs without the balls to rap are bitches, take some K9 pantyhose//

2. Ya call ma spit nonsense... Then what the fuck is supposing i need a mental shit/
to ya health, battlin me is detrimental kid, my mind keeps out ya dog germs like dental kit/
ya posts attached to crap like sentimental shit, ya try to rhyme hard bit you miss out the elemental bits/
i get ya heart running like central squits*, expose ya as a retarded mall rat, like the down syndrom bentalls cliq//


This was to K-nine, a bit of a slow reply but it's my second spit