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Old 05-07-04, 06:19 AM   #27
[/merk material]
Posts: 1,124

v/ enygma.

Harder punches.. personals were on point.. all lines were effective.. didn`t see you fall off.. structure and ryhme scheme are pretty basic.. but they do the job.. opener wasn`t bad but what`s a mic got to do with text battles? Closer was nice line.. internal rhyme hit it off well.. JPoll.. way too cocky dude.. you explained every line.. not good.. if people don`t get it then too bad.. it looks bad on you if you explain it all.. but alot of your concepts were wack anyway.. what`s Blink182`s relevance to a rap board? really wasn`t feelin` the verse.. no flow at all.. personal`s were non-existant or ineffective.
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