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Old 05-07-04, 11:09 AM   #9
Street Royal-T
Kingz's Avatar
Posts: 798

Show'd up for fun..this kids verse i had to see..
...look atcha record...
its "2bad" you had to battle me.../
KIlled in my first verse line...i just started...
dirtyboi you put this kid to me...are you retarted.../
readin his verse makes you laugh for a while... all the way in england...
but he's still crampin my style.../
Aint accomplished alot...cuz i dont' mean to boasts...
...look what you accomplished...
Fake englad kid...step up ya pretender...
Amazing cuz most eruropeans know two words...
newb kid yo... i don't really mean to embarrassya...
but how can you be branch status...if you dont live in america.../
Beetles what you ridin how can you stunt b...
how you hard...when a women rules your fuckin country...
Kill you...cuz i hate hearin your words...
...thou bring it back to thy country...
with my shakespearin verbs...

damn that is the best structure i had seen on this site. keep it up accomp
amazin verse - only problem is that u came way harder than u need to bcos
he verse wasnt anything special

gd job tho 9/10

U strike me as a middle class//surburban kinda dude
talkin tough tryin 2 pass off//an urban attitude
nuthin tastes betta than beef bein chewed
but when i talk about beef//yo i aint talkin bout food
I'll make you eat your words//there weak and over-rated
then tape up ya mouth//to stop them bein regurgitated
8 nice
your rhymes make me lathargic/.like a form of anaesthetic
your shit dont even rhyme half the time//they're pathetic
I dont wanna fight fair//so prepare for low blows
you've ACCOMPLISHED nuthin//u win ure battles by no shows
7 ok
im cummin out blazin at this nerd from the "nasty north"
and raisin debate 2 why hes holdin me in joint fourth
I'll sweep u off ure feet but i aint talkin romance
your head will hit the pillow harder than Diana's did in France
ooohhhhh thats harsh 6
ure goin up in smoke like my cannibis plants
u had ure chance//step the fuck bak//and let me advance

nice drop, pretty average that diana line was out of order tho

v/ accomp

hit up the championship match yo
Street Royal-T