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Old 05-08-04, 02:21 AM   #1
BigTony.Self's Avatar
Posts: 2,482
Thoughts on the brain.........


Breathing thru tubes....what to do but eat thru straws for some food
2 common views misconstrude the ordinary type mood
start just a lil beef over some food ..."gimme it" "fuck you"
was how it went down but soon, gettin serious "this is my shit" followed by"what da fuck you gon due"
so now they presume that shits gettin heavy both guyz eyes glued
but whom will make the first move,would he or would you choose
faced off like peeps in ole westerns do..u wanna end it... cant surrender
yall supposed to be crew.......

Now back in.. he ur friend he the one that did ya in
that court case ya got was from him tellin some friends
and you the one that took his girl yall still cool 2 da end
but then.. soon enuff volcano breaks and the lava lands my friend
to bad ur past that point to call it quits and just shake hands
i guess im lucky.. u got the hurse and I only got the van...............DAMN

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