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Old 05-09-04, 02:25 PM   #44
-Certified Dope-
Posts: 2,850

Ok good battle, but i gatta give it to Spul here, here is the breakdown....

Spul you had a good spit.. i liked it. heres my breakdown for you

Suck at spellin’ so much, why does your high school let you pass?
See the first letter in each word… cuz “SPuL jus merked your ass”

Nice line, which was a pretty good closer

imma give you a 9 outta 10 cause i liked it and i was feelin it


Your rhymes were good, but they werent personal, First of all i dont think Hindu's pray to Allah, thats Islam. You can't really pick out someones religion from a picture man, but good try on what would have been a sick personal if it was true.

You had some played lines in there, such as the cyber sex one.

Imma have to give you a 8

Winner SPuL here.... Nuff Said.