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Old 05-09-04, 11:49 PM   #59
The ILLEST.... & Realist
Posts: 83
From: Raleigh, NC

^ lol big words don't make u hot u dumbass sittin there wit a dictionary

Yo I like dissing people online it helps pass the time/
yo B-Rad G how long did u spend lookin up those words/
words don't make the man its all about spoken words/
and I think we can all see that I'll just give u the bird/
wat u doin writing sentences u need to be writin bars/
this a diss not story and 1 like won't make me worry/
I can see your skills ain't nothin be concerned about/
let me school u in grammer real quick/
your apprehensive style is sickening to me/
the way u mortify yourself trying to be something your not meant to be/
this is a quick seminar for u to learn from afar/
don't come in here talk shit while u post 1 bar/
I'ma get back to my usual style/
so learn from what I said big words only last a while/
sooner or later u gonna runout u like a runnaway slave that can't walk mile/
I'm out I got shit to do before I get to wild/

had to cut that short I got shit to do cya