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Old 05-14-04, 02:43 PM   #3
R.B - Battles
New to RB
Posts: 17

The hottest battle in frontlines only because i`m spitting of course.
This guy`s name is massive on the net cos "rides peeps like a horse"
You think i`m a herb? new to the site? - Well here`s a quick taste . .
He saw my line`s were like shinning stars , so he thought he was lost in space.
You`re lines are laim . . I`ve Seen more Shit Drop`s here , Than in my tiolet.
He`s new to rapbattles, So I`m ending his career before he can employ a rep.
Looking Like An Idian Ladie, Once i aim the laser to you`re forhead & reck it.
I`m with Tearless Sigh`s , The Guy Cant even Prounce His own adjectives.
With no potetial , No charactistics Leaps forward with Incessant Muttering.
Used an excuse of listeing to biggie & Pac , thats why the herb keeps running.