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Old 05-15-04, 06:50 PM   #12
Suspended: Biting
Posts: 588
From: Daly City, California

ahhhhhhh^^^^Damn...DaLyRicaLViLLain killed you dawg..hahahaha^^^he hella used punches against u..
since i can't vote...I'll jst say wut i think:

Yo Yo:
aight dawg...ur spit was pretty much elementary style...some of da rhymes didn't even rhyme much...lolz....u forgot to use punches..if u don't know wut that is..then figure it's and exmple:

This niggas rhymes are simple and small jst like his dick//
To bad he's only as smart as Willaim Hung da retared idiot//

^not a good example..but u need punches like that even better to win battles...lolz

Frisco Boy:
aight dawg...ur shyt was tite...not da best i've read..but pretty good...i could tell you ain't new ta rappin at long have u been doin this???well ur vocab was sick...good vocab.....u also had pretty good favorite lines were:

Hoe...Chill cuz im a rhymin professional//
Last time i went to church I saw a dude fuckin you in the confessional//

That was sick^

This niggas head lookin up at the sky//
Cuz he wanted to see me, he's better off usin stevies eyes//

this was aight^^

good everything dawg...keep it up...lookin forward to ur future battles..imma keep my eye on u..umm...

if i could vote it would go to: Frisco Boy