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Old 05-15-04, 11:11 PM   #7
lyrical KILLAH
Suspended: Biting
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Posts: 260

iight break down!

bast line=on december 18,1986 every since god created you this world has been hectic.....
because u grew up,and started rapping in the game and strait wrect-it....

worst line=and don't think just cus ya interest is breakdancing,that ur dope for one second.....
cus im gonna murder u 9 times just like mass-murderer marcus wesson........

best line=i dont think this gay had one

worst line=or clothin lines so there wont be clones of lies of phony guys roamin by/
i could spit smooth or st-studder, either way i cut through you like bu-butter/

i think valor came way hader his lines acutully rhymed and he had a better flow and his punches hit way harder for the other dude i think u just need to elevat really bad so vote=valor
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