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Old 05-17-04, 10:28 PM   #14
E Looch
Heavy Lies The Crown
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Posts: 2,073

ight breakdown

gkilla lmao ummmmmmmm that opener BOOOOOO poorly worded and stretched out so ended up turnin into a filler from tryna be a punch your closer was decent but if u tried to play it off his sig then it worked way different but decent punch and the rest of your verse was about the same to me the ld tatoo was prolyl the best and creative line in your verse everything else i wasnt fealin at all had multies but aint helpin if the punchs arent that hot brah

li your opener was nice kinda stretched but the punch was good enough to hold threw it tight opener and your closer was dumb everyone battles in frontlines includin me everyonce in a while so didnt feal that to much but the rest of your verse was pretty sick except the alphabet line was weak everythin else was tight shit good personals an punchs nice drop son

vote l.i

decent battle but dont see what his opponents had to do with it more like swaying but oh well nice battle
A Queer That Voted On my Battles Constently
think this is one of those things where you understand what your saying, but other people dont

^ even after it says if u dont understand dont vote

some people that are mods on here