Thread: Its your life
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Old 05-18-04, 10:02 AM   #2
MisFouND P.
New to RB
Posts: 31

nice poem, nothing but the truth, but u wrote...

[Nigga] killed aged 12 by the gun, coulda gone somewhere if he jus picked up a book/

To some people that not considered a word, and some people cannot say that without gettin a bullet to the chest. kind of made the poem drop from something good to something that is only meant for the black family... which is all good but not only that family will read it/ i would of wrote.

[adolescent] killed aged 12 by the gun, coulda gone somewhere if he jus picked up a book/

makes a little bit more sense, we word the next 2 words after it, not only does it make it sound better, it makes u look a lil more intelligent as a writer. other than that that was a heavy poem, keep em coming, pce/
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