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Old 05-19-04, 04:18 PM   #15
New to RB
Posts: 56
From: united kingdom, it sucks like vacums.

Battle was Blah, Nothing great probably because you forgot to actually spend time on this, I'll vote for zero, Why you may ask...

Well because ever since the creation of Battling online people have aquired a form of writing which i found rather annoying.

I feel anyone can spit 10 bars about the person using Lame wordplay, if you actually read Fat's verse theres nothing in it that disses zero.. Not once in this battle did i notice a name or imagery of what one might do to the other...

People here are voting for the way one peice works without reading it. To be honest can any of you find a defining line in Fats verse which would proove he wrote it too ZERO....?

Although zero verse was indeed basic, i think the short lines aimed straight at fat were more memorable.
Im Born in the same Corn that Jamain picked from Blains Lawn...