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Old 05-20-04, 10:51 PM   #10
New to RB
Posts: 22
From: Brooklyn, NY

VanGo doesn't quite understand that rap is an art form
I mean, his basic knowledge of skill is how well u can shoot porn!
And the only way mic-wrecker's wreckin' this is wit a no-show
I'm battlin' a pussy and a mis-pubic, cause Van's just Can'tGrow
It's funny how he's postin' warnings to his own partner, for real
Cause mic-wrecker ain't here out of fear of loss or Van's sex appeal!
Alpha's takin' this battle by as many Meters as u can come up with
Meters may not even show, he'll let Alpha come up with the dope shit
At the hundred Meter finish line before mic-wrecked and Van hear "Go!"
Cause a massacre's all you get when Alpha enters to steal the show
I'm not worthy of these stooges' respect, cause it's aimed only at D/R's
Ya'll are gettin' stripped to ur weak battle heart, just like a beat car
Mic-Wrecker's Destined to Rhyme until Alpha enters the battleground
And no, VanGo, I don't want it, that's why u got a tag partner, hound.
Front Lines
Alpha vs. ..ILL.. (3-3)
Alpha vs. LiL ChucKy (0-0)