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Old 05-25-04, 10:03 AM   #1
RumpleSmoothspin's Avatar
Posts: 157
From: ~In A HoUsE~


Aight i did this story collab with one of ma homies on another site~/// give us some honest feed~

Verse1-shadyrec =process of the shooting
Verse2- Rumple= emotions after corpse is found to be soldiers brother

I ain’t a bad ass but I clap that heat shit…it’s my faith and passion/
I get ~paid ta blast~ em so I attack cuz I’m a ~trained assassin~//
I got a call from my homie who knows me well…said he was havin some ~problems~/
I told him I’d ~off him~…He told me 50 grand in my hand after I ~shot him~//
I gotta get mine so when it came time I set up shop at tha top up ~on a roof~/
Ready ta blast…It aint that hard, I just spark at my target like I’m ~John Wilkes Booth~//
Envisioning my mission ta hit him and kill him…Picturing tha victim ~fall and then drop~/
Time ta line up my sights…I gotta be precise with my rifle cuz one shots ~all that I got~//
In tha chamber I got tha bullett loaded ready ta toast him…He’s ~fully exposed~/
I kill more than most so I put my finger around tha trigger and began ~pullin it close~//
I’m ready ta let it blaze but all of a sudden an innocent bystander ~stepped in tha way~/
“STEP OUT THA WAY!”…I had to let up on tha lever and it ~crept back away~//
I’m ready ta ~slay him~ and ~spray him~ but I couldn’t…I had to give way to ~patience~/
I’m in a haste… I only need a little space for tha assassination to take ~place in~//
I need ta get this over with…I’m ready ta take away his ~identity~/
Tha bystander began to walk away, then he vacated tha ~vicinity~//
Gun was locked and cocked ready ta drop him…”WAIT,WAIT,WAIT, ~SPARK IT NOW~/
I let away tha perfect shot in tha perfect spot…Next thang I know…~target down~//

Assassination...that was tha plan/
A human life exchanged for cash in my hand/
leave tha target face down on tha land/
DAMN! how could I do this to my fam/.

~Astound as i turned the corpse around n profound that the man down was a brother……. murdered by me on the battle grounds//~

~‘My brother’, I stuttered, now a corpse covered n blood in wars summer, feeling guilty knowing he was killed by a bullet n’ I was the gunner//~

~Future was broadend n poisoned of this memory inside of me, as I question if this was a dream, but fuck it was actually reality//~

~Identaty exposed, I arose n’ tried to control emotions tearing me down to the mud n blood flows, of my bro who was only born 17years ago//~

~It was dark, but the rifle spark couldn’t enlighten the path to the target I was aimin towards, from opposite roof tops//~

~Triggered now the bullet flew, through the air into my victim, adrenalin increased due to not knowing if I actually hitt n killed’em//

~Would he shoot back, no I heard the crack of ribs inverting into his upper body region, piercing lungs makin’em stop breathing//~

~One member of family, I was drastically wishin I could simply turn back time, wishing it was me who got shot dead at enemy lines//

~looked at the corpse, lying in blood n mudd waters(waters), I was responsible for this, couldn’t handle it… bro im walkin with u through heavens doors…..Click//

Assassination...that was tha plan/
A human life exchanged for cash in my hand/
leave tha target face down on tha land/
DAMN! how could I do this to my fam/.

leave some detailed feedback please~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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