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Old 05-25-04, 12:10 PM   #13
SLUT!'s Avatar
Posts: 470
From: Rochester for now
IP: need either 250 posts and 5 wins or 500 posts to do that then you go to user cp and edit your profile........


BOF your structres was fucked and i dont even know what that otha kat was spittin stupid as fuck if you think you going to win a battle without any rules.......first off there is crew vote......dr votes and all that otha shit and he can feed off you verse and make you look stupid......but i dont think he can make you look stupider then you already did yourself..........CASUAL you had a better verse......your punches hit hard and stuck

return favor wit honest vote vs some HERB
<Marquee direction="up"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Grey, direction=50)"> metaphorical techniques</table></Marquee>

<Marquee direction="right"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Grey, direction=270)"> metaphorical and lyricaly the best</table></Marquee>

<Marquee direction="left"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Yellow Green, direction=50)"> Im Better Then You!</table></Marquee>