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Old 05-25-04, 01:13 PM   #6
New to RB
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Posts: 82
From: Babylon

Hits knocked you out the water son

Fine Mind your rhymes are too basic and not everything flowed right....come on man you're disgracin your name.

Hitz Good stuffs
Almost everyline was a punch but you had no me personals are important cuz thats how you know the flow was at least somewhat customized
ALSO!!this line should be erased .....
"Feel the crunch-from-the-‘sun’ if it’s about ‘chips’ as you munch-on-the-cum"

Its an aight line but kid, come on...first of all 3 lines doesn't = 1 bar
and second YOUR OWN RULES say 8-10 lines and with that extra line you have 11

I would vote for Fine Mind just for you breaking ya own rule but his verse doesn't deserve a freebie....on the other hand FINE MIND if you want to push a DQ based on him breaking his own rule thats on you...How do you want your W?