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Old 05-27-04, 10:57 AM   #13
SLUT!'s Avatar
Posts: 470
From: Rochester for now

rumple takes this easly

other dude was weak.......punches didnt hit.......your flow was off and your structure need to elevate a bit more and shit.....

rumple.........your verse was okay but you aswell need to elevate.......your punches was okay but they wasnt anything special.........your structure could use some work aswell.....but you took this easly

hit this up please
<Marquee direction="up"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Grey, direction=50)"> metaphorical techniques</table></Marquee>

<Marquee direction="right"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Grey, direction=270)"> metaphorical and lyricaly the best</table></Marquee>

<Marquee direction="left"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Yellow Green, direction=50)"> Im Better Then You!</table></Marquee>