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Old 05-31-04, 08:33 PM   #2
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

aight this is blind i did this in 5 minutes but it should be enuf for him

wat the hell does that name stand for if its called spad...
your punches will have no effect and fade faster than a fad...
your names stands for suckin pussy and dicks...
nickname urself my bitch and i garuntee that it stiks...
a newbie who i wont waste my time or my lines...
hes a mexican so he shouldnt be battelin he should be trimmin my vines...
i neva had an easy win like you cause they come for and few...
i understand a newb can be bad but theres no excuse for you...
its a disgrace to see how ur brown ass will trip and stutta...
but not as much as the minimum wage you get for cleanin my gutters

aight prolly my worst but hes brand new so give him some advice if his is bad cause i know this kid