Thread: Weapons Cypher
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Old 06-03-04, 02:39 PM   #18
New to RB
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Posts: 35
From: Orlando

I'm pickin up ya house and smashin you on ya back man
I don't me a full bulding structre I'm talking about ya trash can
hit you with the lid til ya brains spatter onto the pavement
I would leave ya body downstair but, ya can ain't got a basement
now I'll stick ya corpse inside but, you wont hit the curb to-day
cause trash men only come on thursday and tues-day
that means ya last living hours you spend paralized in a can of trash
til they pick your ass up and compact your weak ass at last

N/W:an air conditioner
"A man who thinks he knows the answer and still asks. That man is wise."
"A man who doesn't ask because he thinks he knows the answer. That man is a fool" -Diallo