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Old 06-04-04, 12:08 AM   #28
King Solo
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Black Magik
yo man ure flow was off man, u had sum fucked up structure cuz u had ure lines stretched like madd which is never gud. u had sum aight punches but sum of ure stuff was played and their wasn't really anything that original that stood out to me. u had a couple of personals but that was it and they didnt even hit that hard. u need to beef up ure punches and work on personals, also fix up ure structure. OVERALL 6/10

u had a tight flow goin on in ure drop. u had a nice structure kept shit together nuthin stretched like fuck. ure shit flowed hott from beginning to end and i was feelin it a lot more. u had punches in there but you two lacked for creativity and ure lines were pretty basic in places. some were hard hitting, couple of nice personals and u had a few multis in ure drop. just really work on ure wordplay, make it more complex and try and strengthen ure punches. OVERALL 7.5/10

V/ - GKillaz05
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