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Old 06-06-04, 08:11 PM   #12
SLUT!'s Avatar
Posts: 470
From: Rochester for now

reaper- your sturcher was hard to follow man and i wasnt feelin the style at all oversall you had no personals either you had punches but that was it period man

leathal- sturcher was good but flow was ehhhh but you made an attemp at a personal and that was y you got this i feel ok

v/ Khan

retun the favor
<Marquee direction="up"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Grey, direction=50)"> metaphorical techniques</table></Marquee>

<Marquee direction="right"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Grey, direction=270)"> metaphorical and lyricaly the best</table></Marquee>

<Marquee direction="left"><table style="filter: shadow(color=Yellow Green, direction=50)"> Im Better Then You!</table></Marquee>