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Old 06-06-04, 09:44 PM   #28
The Ups and Downs of Life
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Posts: 2,887
From: 845

dawg i think right now, you better go and take a crap.
cuz when you swallow my lines boy your shits gonna splat.
Not a great punchline- I see where you were trying to go here but it was a little off, maybe different wording would have helped.
you try and make yourself hard by takin a name from a movie.
but shit, your about as hard as my grandmas boobies.
lol- this was a good punchline here, creative.
and i bet you prolly like dudes, cuz when you see a guy you got wood.
and your rhymes so fuckin bad you make bizzare look good.
not a great punch- first line kinda stretched a little.
and i only mention this, cuz i heard you came out of the closet.
cuz when you see another guy your fuckin dick is like a faucet!
decent punch.
you call yourself scarface, maybe you got a scar from the past.
but the way i see it, you only got scar's in your ass!
iight playin the gay stuff is gettin played now- not a great punch here either.
maybe ive gone to far? and i should stop before i discuss,
how your dumbass is so dumb that you ride the short bus.
hehe, used concept but funny punchline.
so i think im gonna stop now, cuz i got my jelly.
so why dont you quit rappin, and go jerk off to R. Kelly!
Not a great closer here- I think all in all you had a couple good punchlines though not a bad verse.

I Can't Believe This Guy's Callin Me Gay
First Look At Ya Name, It Be As Corny As Rap Is Today
not a great opener, the punchline was basic and not very funny or clever.
You Probably Got It 4 Yearz Ago When You Had A North Face
Were You Sleepin All This Time?, Wake Da Fuck Up And Get Yourself An Update
The second line stretches here- it lacks in flow and its all filler.
I've Been In You Since You Were Born Cauze I Be You Pain
And I'm Wearin Ya Ass Cauze Here In NYC Waz Rainin All Day
I see where you were tryin to go with this, but I think you could have worded it better, decent though.
We Both Newbies But At Least I Don't Act Like One
And You Probably Stressed Out To Rap Cauze You Can't Make Ya Own, Son
weak bar, very stretched on the second line
Fuck Blowz, I'll Throw You Some Atomic Bombs
You're Is Weak, And I Don't Know What's Da Difference Between You And A Little Girl's Arm
Second line stretches even more... the punch was basic, decent.
You A Faggot, You Got Ya Whole Personality From Ya Moms
I'm Lethal And Rare, As You With A Girl And Don't Know How To Cum
this doesn't make sense, you didn't word this right.
I'm 8+8 Years Old And You Still Can't Knock Me Down
You Had Enough, And Whenever You Want A Rematch Just Give Me A Shout.
I Think all in all Jacket had a better flow, he had a couple punchlines that were good while I think Scarface didn't really have any good punchlines and his structure stretched alot... Decent Battle, Good Luck to both in the future but I vote for Jacket.
Return the favor please....
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