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Old 06-09-04, 05:04 PM   #8
New to RB
Posts: 91


Phantom your drop was cool, but y'all should have specified no feeding cuz that is what allowed the Prince to rip your shit. He hit hard with the personals, and you werent ready 4 that.

Punchline Prince you are the shit for this verse. Everything about it was tight. The puches were funny, creative, hard. The flow read well. Metaphor, simile, all on lock.

v/Punchline for the KO
<table style=filter:GLOW(color=black, strength=6)"><FONT FACE="TIMES"SIZE="25" COLOR="WHITE">CaliCollegeGurl</FONT></TABLE>

<marquee direction="up or down"scrollamount=3>If you'll only battle when you know you will win you don't deserve to call yourself an emcee. Real emcees are about elevation. -TheCollegeGurl<marquee>