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Old 06-11-04, 03:41 AM   #16
New to RB
Posts: 91

Sorel, it amuses me that you would argue with the voters...why come on here then? You could judge yourself at home. In any event, I am not even going to comment on your lack of skill because if all you could count in Blaziin's flow was one punchline then you are clearly illiterate which explains everything. I am certain that at this point you are thinking of some verbal retaliation, but see if you miniscule mind can retain your thoughts because I challenge you to a battle. Check the Bitch Slap. Sorry to free post y'all...but hey, it's uppin.
<table style=filter:GLOW(color=black, strength=6)"><FONT FACE="TIMES"SIZE="25" COLOR="WHITE">CaliCollegeGurl</FONT></TABLE>

<marquee direction="up or down"scrollamount=3>If you'll only battle when you know you will win you don't deserve to call yourself an emcee. Real emcees are about elevation. -TheCollegeGurl<marquee>