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Old 06-14-04, 09:43 PM   #1
New to RB
FlagrantFoul's Avatar
Posts: 91
From: Tokyo, Japan
MARVOLoUsJ1009 vs. FlagrantFoul


Step up to the plate, BITCH.

Alright, this one's easy: like your Moms. Foul's flow's breezy
Fo' sheezy, you frontin' faggot from Queens
All filler and no substance like Lean Cuisines.
By no means do I have the vaccine to remedy this whack-ass scene. YOU ONLY 19!
It's past your bedtime son, you WILL get burned
Apply some lotion, Dun, Foul's takin' a submachine gun
to your shitty call-out; your sexuality is in doubt.
So hide behind your keyboard, chills goin' down your spinal cord
And rap an extension cord around your fuckin' gourd and kill youself
Before your answer gets ignored....AGAIN. You're so champagne.
Another clown in my domain that can't sustain.......
An erection. Time for the election. But you're just fakin'
I'm the Bush of this're six feet deep like Ronald Reagan.